ZWCAD Εφαρμογές – Auto_C.A.

Languages:Italian; English
Size: 75 MB
Update Date:2018-02-11
Required application:ZWCAD 2018 Pro
Auto_C.A. is a program for the drawing of reinforced concrete structures with ZWCAD 2015 Pro, GstarCAD 2015®, AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT® built with the technical contribution of the construction protagonists. The philosophy of the program is to keep unchanged anything compared to the designers wee-established habits: Auto_C.A. does not propose a rigid scheme, but it is presented as a series of simple and powerful tools to drawing quality projects, reducing the production time enormously.
Auto_C.A. uses ZWCAD objects and commands in a totally dynamic way (ex. It is more than enough to edit a bar text as you normally do with ZWCAD and everything changes in real time!) Who is able to use ZWCAD knows already how to use Auto_C.A. The masks of the program have been built with the self-training principle: they themselves can intuitively serve as guide and manual.
Auto_C.A. uses only ZWCAD primitive objects (polylines and texts) making them “smart”. On Auto_C.A. objects is possible to apply all the ZWCAD commands: who is already able to use ZWCAD knows already how to use Auto_C.A.
Auto_C.A. automatically manages all the problems related to the plotting scale (text, dimensions, fills) and for what concerns the modification in real time, it provides to create details at various scales without worrying about anything!
All windows are built with explanatory and real previews so that we can intuitively use the program itself as a guide and training manual. This is possible, favoring simple functions with the conviction of the fact that too complex functions are usually not used so… it is faster and easer to do it manually.
Quick Setup workplace
Graphic adaptation of each object to its styles
Export setting environment for teamwork
Sensitive drawing scale set
Creating and managing DECKS
Creating and managing PILLARS (rectangular, circular or from polyline)
Creating and managing FIELDS SLAB (automatic adaptation to the floor board)
Creation and managing HOLES in the slabs (rectangular, circular or polyline)
Creating and managing DISTRIBUTION BEAMS
Creating and managing BEAMS
Creating and managing BARS and STIRRUPS ( from shapes list or polyline)
Creating and managing Bars Section (single or multiple on line, arc, circle)
Creating and managing Bars Serie (single or multiple step, linear or polyline)
Creating and managing CALLOUTS (of rods and lines, single or multiple, herringbone, cluster)
Creating and managing BARS LIST (according to ISO or customizable)
Automatic sections elements (decks, slabs, pillars, beams)
Computation of quantities concrete and elements embedded on floor slab
Generation Ellipse of stiffness
MODIFY able to manage any property of any element.
RENUMBER elements (pillars, rods, beams, etc.)
COPY PROPERTIES to transfer the properties of an object to others of the same type.
BREACK BARS, REMOVE SIDE, ADD SIDE are the commands to operate on bars
Contact person:Massimo Conficconi